Wednesday, April 8, 2015

3 Steps to Build Your Personal Brand

You have the ability to be your own best marketer and promoter by building your personal brand. Your personal brand is what sets you apart: your skills, talents, and values.

It is your unique set of skills, abilities, knowledge, and values that distinguishes you from others and makes clear to potential employers or partners what value you could bring to a position or role within a company.

Here are 3 steps to begin building your personal brand:

1. Get on social media and build a consistent message. If you're not on twitter or Instagram consider opening an account. Create or share content of value to others in your fields of interest. Be sure to share appropriate and professional content on facebook and linkedIn.

2. Start a blog. You can become known and knowledgeable in your field by writing interesting posts about areas of importance to others with similar interests. For help in starting a blog check out this post over at the Minimalists site.

3. Attend conferences and participate in panel discussions. Not only will you meet some great people at conferences and develop important business contacts and make new friends, but by participating in panel discussions you begin to brand yourself as an expert in your field.

How are you building your brand?

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