Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Regaining Your Confidence After a Career Setback

Everyone has disappointments and setbacks in their career, from that promotion or raise you didn't get to getting fired or laid off.

Sometimes that setback can impact your confidence and leave you struggling to regain it.

Here are 5 steps you can take to get your confidence back after a career setback.

1. Small victories. Set some small, immediate, and attainable goals in order to restore your confidence in your abilities. Sometimes simply the process of setting a small goal and attaining it is enough to set one back on the path to larger goals.

2. Focus on strengths. You have specific skills and areas of strengths. Try to focus your energies on activities that utilize these strengths and build confidence.

3. Surround yourself with support. Find those around you--family, friends, coworkers--who believe in you and your abilities. Their belief in your skills and strengths can speed your recovery from a setback.

4. Find a mentor. Seek out another expert in your field to serve as a mentor and to guide you through this time. Your mentor can assist you in making the best decisions for your career as you move forward.

5. Learn something new. Take some time to learn a new skill or take a class. Experiencing some success in a class and adding to your skill set can provide the confidence to move ahead in other areas of your life and career.

Implement these 5 steps following a career setback and you'll be back on your feet and headed to new successes.

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