Thursday, April 1, 2010

Follow-Up Even When You Don't Land the Job

Follow-up after a job interview is important even in cases where you’ve been notified you did not get the job. Your following up can demonstrate your resiliency, confidence, and re-emphasize your interest in working for the company. It also provides an opportunity to request their critique regarding your interview(s) as well as feedback as to why you weren’t the right candidate for the job. This can help you hone your interview skills, and may also lead to identifying gaps in your experience or education that you may choose to address through additional education or training.

Your following up immediately and then touching base a few months later may actually result in your being considered for a different job opening, or even a referral or information about other job openings in the industry. Your professional follow-up coupled with good timing may even lead to your being reconsidered for the position, if by chance the candidate offered the job actually declined or didn’t work out after several months.

No matter what the outcome of your job interview, following up is a mark of professionalism and well worth your time.

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