Wednesday, May 15, 2019

5 Great Ways to Prepare for Work Tomorrow

The path to a great day at work tomorrow begins today but many of us go through each day simply focused on the task in front of us. Then something seemingly urgent pops up and we switch our attention to putting out the fires and increasing the stress in our lives.

If we take a more thoughtful approach to planning our work experience, we can use our time more wisely, be more productive, have less stress, be better prepared for the crises that pop up, and enjoy work more.

Consider these five ways to be better prepared for work tomorrow.

Plan tomorrow today. Before you leave work today be sure to identify and write down the three most important tasks you must take on tomorrow. Place them in a clearly visible place so you will notice them when you arrive to work. That could mean simply noting them on a post-it, setting a notification in your phone or on your pc, or using a to-do list app. Place the most urgent, difficult, or stressful task at the beginning. If you tackle that item first thing in the morning you will feel inspired and confident to take on the rest of your day.

Leave work at work. Make an effort to avoid bringing work home. Take the time in the evening to relax, read, spend with family, exercise, or do something else that you enjoy. It can be difficult to resist the pull of work, especially with your mobile phone providing ready access to the office so turn off email notifications and turn down your ringer, unless, of course, you must remain available in case of a true emergency. Everyone needs a break from the demands of work and your evening should be one of those respites.

Get enough sleep. Speaking of respite, be sure to go to bed at a reasonable hour and get adequate sleep. It’s impossible to be focused and at your best if you are getting little sleep.

Eat well. You’ll be better prepared and focused at work if you eat healthy meals that are energizing, rather than heavily processed foods with a lot of sugar and salt. In addition, make an effort to get some movement and exercise into your routine. Not only will it take your mind off of the job, reducing stress, but it will also enable you to bring greater energy and attention to the job.

Get to work early. After you get a healthy amount of sleep and have engaged in some exercise and a good meal, get to work early. This will enable you to have some quieter time in the office, before others arrive, to refocus and begin to tackle the number one task and priority you identified the day before.

Implementing these five steps will help you be better prepared and organized to take on the day.

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