Wednesday, February 20, 2019

5 Work Habits That Are Holding You Back

We often hear and read talk of the good habits we should form at work or the morning habits necessary for a successful day, but there are some habits we should get rid of.

Without changing some of the things that are holding us back in our career we will continue to struggle and wonder why we’re not hitting our career goals.

Here are some basic, but often overlooked, habits that can sink your performance on the job and prevent your career from taking off.

Not having a plan. If you don’t start your day with a plan made up of clearly attainable goals, you’ll have a difficult time accomplishing anything of value during your work day. Focus on 3-5 attainable priorities for your day and you’ll feel a greater sense of accomplishment and make real progress toward your longer-term goals.

Taking work home. A consistent practice of taking work home might indicate that you are not using your time proficiently at your work place and need to develop better strategies for time and project management. You are also more likely to experience stress which can lead to a poor performance at work and increased dissatisfaction with your personal life.
Multi-tasking. Contrary to previous thought, multi-tasking is not a skill you want to try to master. The most productive people are those who focus on one task for a specified period of time, allowing them to bring their full attention and skill to their work. Attempting to multi-task often leaves you distracted, and the work you accomplish is often of lower quality than when you’re able to give your undivided attention to the job. 

Negative attitude. Sometimes we develop a consistent pattern of thinking negatively about our job or workplace and don’t even consciously realize that we’re bring this negative energy into the office with us every day. Take time to evaluate your words, your interactions, and your attitudes about your job for any negativity. If you find that you’ve developed a habit of negativity work to change your thoughts through meditation or other practices.

Working tired. You likely would not want to have heart surgery performed on you by a doctor who had very little sleep the night before. Nor would you want to get on a plane with a pilot who could barely stay awake. Yet many of us habitually go into work fatigued and unable to perform our job to the best of our ability. This is an unsustainable habit that will prevent you from achieving the success you desire.

If any of these five habits are holding you back in your career, make a change today.

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