Wednesday, September 12, 2018

5 Ways to be More Successful & Confident at Work

If you care about your career and work performance (and you likely do since you’re reading this) you want to be more confident and successful in your work.

There are some basic principles we can implement into our lives to make our work experiences more successful so let’s consider a few of these.

Preparation. To be successful we need to prepare for success. Sure, we’ve all crammed for an exam in school, staying up late one night to try to be ready, but long-term, lasting success requires a practice of preparation: studying the sales figures in the spreadsheet, learning the new program, practicing the speech, or taking the class. We must put the work in. There are no shortcuts.

Support. Successful people recognize the truth behind the old adage that “no man is an island” and ensure that they are surrounded by a support system that encourages them to be at their best. Your support team should include your family, friends, colleagues, and a mentor. You might consider your faith community to be part of your support system, along with the men and women on your co-ed softball team.

Habits. Your daily habits should support your career, including what you drink and eat, the amount of sleep and exercise you get, along with your mental habits such as self-talk and meditation. Develop a regular routine of self-care to increase your confidence and energy levels.

Attire. Dress for success by wearing attire appropriate for your job and consistent with the position you want to attain. It’s difficult to be taken seriously at work if you do not pay attention to your appearance so ensure that you look sharp and maintain good hygiene. You’ll feel more confident in your job by looking the part.

Communication. Success at work often comes down to effective communication skills, whether you’re coaching a team, lecturing in front of a class, or speaking on the phone with an irate customer, the ability to effectively hear and communicate will determine your success. Make a serious effort to improve your communication skills, both verbal and written, and you will have increased confidence in your work and experience greater success.

What are you doing to build confidence and set yourself up for success at work?

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