Wednesday, August 15, 2018

3 Ways to Develop a Good Reputation on the Job

Your reputation at work is important and can be the difference between an advancing career or one that is stuck in neutral.

A positive reputation means that others recognize your skills and integrity and have you in mind for new opportunities, while a bad reputation can mean you’re easily dismissed from consideration for those opportunities.

Make an effort to safeguard your reputation in the workplace by focusing on these three areas.

Appropriate work relationships. You have a job to do and your employer wants to see that as your focus. Your workplace should not function like a bar; you’re not on the job to pick someone up. Avoid a pattern of workplace romance and flirtation or your boss will view that as your primary interest in the job and won’t deem you a serious candidate for more responsibility.

Watch what you say. And how you say it. Learn to communicate effectively and be positive. Your reputation will be harmed if you speak poorly of your boss and those you work with or are always complaining about your workplace and its practices. Your words should reflect your integrity and character and build up your reputation, rather than tear it down. 

Work hard. Of course, one of the most important things you can do for your reputation at your workplace is to do a good job and work hard. If you become known as someone who can be relied on to do great work you will end up with more opportunities in the future.

Unlike some aspects of our lived, our reputation is something that we can control and change by living out our values, and ensuring that we conduct ourselves with integrity, both on the job and in our relationships with our colleagues and manager.

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