Wednesday, November 6, 2019

4 Things to Consider Before Leaving Your Long-Standing Job

Stability is a good quality when it comes to your career and it’s always good to know you have a job waiting for you on a Monday morning. However, the grass sometimes seems greener at the other company and when you’ve grown stale in your job, you might consider the allure of going elsewhere.

Before leaving your long-standing job consider the following factors:

Colleagues. There are workplaces where the people you work with are one of the best perks of the job. If you work with a close and supportive team you might think twice before starting over in a new workplace.

Opportunity. Do you have opportunities for advancement in your current job or have you reached a plateau? You might want to have a conversation with your supervisor about your career plans and goals before making the decision to leave. Things can change rapidly in business and sometimes opportunities open up that you did not expect or seek.

Restructuring. It can be extremely stressful to go to work if your company has had a series of layoffs or has been restructuring departments. However, moving to a new company doesn’t necessarily reduce the risks of a layoff and you might even feel more at risk if you’re the new person on the job. Consider whether you’re ready to give up the seniority you’ve earned from the time you’ve put in at your current job.

Benefits. There are many other factors to consider when thinking about moving on from your job. Is it likely you’ll end up with a longer commute? Will a move to a new company impact your retirement savings or the amount your new company contributes to your retirement? What is the work environment like? Can you take time off when you need it? Be sure to carefully access everything you’ll give up or change by leaving a long-standing job.

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