Wednesday, December 19, 2018

5 Ways to Widen and Deepen Your Network

An important, and sometimes overlooked aspect to growing your career is the ability to widen and deepen your network. By that we mean increasing the number of individuals who are part of your network and developing those relationships, so they move beyond a superficial level.

This can seem like a daunting task, particularly for introverts, but there are some strategies we can take to become better at developing a meaningful and helpful network.

Make your plans known to your friends and colleagues. Beginning with your current network is the most effective way to start but it’s important to be clear about what you’re looking for. Once you know what you need and what your questions are, take some time to meet with some trusted friends and coworkers. They will likely be able to refer you to someone they know who could be of assistance. Ask for an introduction, too, and that can help break the ice, especially for introverts.

Then follow-up with a meeting. Get in touch with those recommended contacts and invite them to meet you for a coffee. If you haven’t been introduced by your friend or colleague, be sure to name-drop and let them know that “our mutual friend Jim from XYZ Company” suggested we meet up. Be clear about the purpose of your meeting, though, and state an objective: “I’d love to hear your perspective on starting a business now versus pursuing an MBA.”

Offer some value to your new contact. When you meet up, be sure to prepare in advance to be of service. Bring a product sample that might be of interest to the person you’re meeting or be prepared to refer them some business or help build their network by connecting them with a friend or colleague. And leave the meeting with a plan to stay in contact. 

Be grateful. Be sure to express appreciation to your friends and colleagues for referring you to their network and thank your new contacts for taking the time to meet with you and for providing you with some guidance and advice.

Finally, develop a plan to stay in touch with your network through regular coffee or lunch meetups, or by connecting through Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or other social platforms.

Expanding your network and deepening the quality of those relationships will benefit your career in the long-term, wherever your career path leads.

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