Wednesday, June 27, 2018

What to Do When You've Accepted the Wrong Job

Decisions, decisions.

Being wanted can be a difficult thing, especially when you are left with some difficult choices. When confronted with multiple opportunities or job offers there is always the risk of making the wrong decision.

Of course, the office is always greener on the other aisle and we have a tendency to long for what we don't have. But what if you're right? What do you do if you have accepted the wrong job?

Here is your list of dos and don'ts:

Don't panic and make a rash decision. Making a quick decision that you've made the wrong decision will only demonstrate to others, including potential employers, that you are not an effective decision maker. An impetuous decision about your job might leave you unemployed for an extended period of time.

Speaking of time, do give it some. Time, that is. Be patient and get to know your new supervisor and colleagues, along with the main responsibilities of the job. Perhaps the job will grow on you and you'll find it suits you well. If not, give the job enough time that you can make a move within your own company without appearing reckless, or you have an opportunity to take another job with a new employer.

Do dive in. Even if the job isn't right for you be sure to give it your best while you are there. Meet as many people as possible, and learn as much as you can about the employer and the job. You never know where your career fortunes might lead, or when your path might cross with your colleagues or even see you return to the same employer.

Don't burn bridges. The above might be true so leave on good terms to the best of your ability. Don't speak ill of your colleagues, your boss, or your employer and attempt to take responsibility for the match not being a good fit.

Hopefully, you'll only make a bad career choice once.

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