Wednesday, February 4, 2015

3 Ways to Expand Your Local Network

Networking is often lauded by career experts as the way to help secure that next job. We hear about joining LinkedIn and attending networking events but it can be more helpful to build and enhance your network closer to home.

Here are three ways to expand your network in your community:

1. Join the board of a local nonprofit organization. You'll often meet a diverse group of people who are tuned in to what's happening in your community. And some of them will be business owners looking to fill positions. You can also gain valuable skills on a board as you volunteer to help the organization with event planning, promotions, or fund-raising.

2. Become a regular. Be seen regularly at a community meeting spot, such as the library or a local cafe or coffee shop. You can often meet new people, including area entrepreneurs on their laptops and the staff wherever you're hanging out, and get the inside scoop on local news (and job opportunities).

3. Take a class. Local colleges, nonprofit groups, and city governments often offer low-cost classes that can help you develop skills, learn something new, or simply get more physically active. In addition to the benefits of the class you can expand your network through the other students and instructors.

Also consider these 10 ways to build and maintain your professional network.

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